
5 Lean Principles Features And Benefits For Business

  5 Lean Principles Features And Benefits For Business Eliminating waste and adding value to processes are the goals of the five lean principles and ideas. Lean Concept Lean Concept is an organized approach that identifies & eliminates all types of waste that don’t add any value to the process. The primary concept of Lean principles is to boost customer value while reducing waste. A huge benefit of lean is that you will deliver the perfect value to your customers but with less work, through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste. An organization with  lean transformation  understands customer value as well as concentrates its key processes to consistently increase it. So, Lean is about working efficiently, not swiftly. Lean is the concept of efficient manufacturing/operations that pop out of the Toyota Production System in the center of the 20th century. But Lean techniques applies not only in production or manufacturing operations, but also in the servi...

VSM (Value Stream Mapping): Theory, Implementation & Sections

  VSM (Value Stream Mapping): Theory, Implementation & Sections A visual tool called VSM is used to map and analyse the movement of goods and information in order to reduce waste and boost productivity. Value stream mapping (VSM ) is a lean tool that looks to map your process from supplier to customer, highlighting the flows of product & information, foregrounds details like what process is taking place, who is engaged in the process, and how much time that process is taking and identifying delays & non-value adding processes. VSM is also referred to as value stream analysis, lean process mapping. Value stream mapping offers a visual representation of the flow of materials and information throughout the organization, and this is a real eye-opener for top management. Several lean practitioners look at VSM as a basic tool to reduce process cycle times, identify waste & implement process improvement. Value stream mapping is a flowchart method to illustrate, analyze ...

Kaizen – Process, Benefits, Principles And Best Practices

  Kaizen – Process, Benefits, Principles And Best Practices Kaizen, which stands for continuous improvement, encourages small adjustments for improved productivity and standards in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing operations. In 1986 Mr. Masaaki Imai released a book with title: Kaizen, the key to Japan’s Competitive Success. Kaizen (改善) comes from two Japanese words: Kai (Change)and Zen (good). Furthermore, It refers to “continuous improvement”. Moreover, Kaizen in manufacturing is defined as a continuous effort by each & every employee to make sure improvement of all systems & processes of a specific organization and is a systematic approach to raising quality, lessening delivery time & increase consumer satisfaction. Kaizen meaning as seen by the Japanese (especially  Toyota  as part of the Toyota Production System TPS) is a manner of engaging the workforce to come up with ideas for improvement, each employee is expected to come up with (and implemen...

Lean Tools In Non-Manufacturing Areas

  Lean Tools In Non-Manufacturing Areas Non-manufacturing sectors can use lean principles to cut waste, enhance workflows, and increase customer value. In  VUCA World , manufacturing companies are consistently seeking manners to become more efficient, while the focus in the lean in non-manufacturing organization is typically on different areas like new products or services. So, Sometimes, they don’t prioritize removing waste as a beginning point and have more space to run in this regard. Additionally, while it is easy to see the work & identify the problems on the manufacturing floor, an office environment in an organization’s transformation can be delicate when it comes to following the actual work that is taking place. Since service processes are not objectively observable, a few benefits are tools like visual management that make invisible work processes visible, and techniques that particularly develop a team member’s creative problem-solving & critical thinking ab...

Lean In Office In 21st Century

  "In the twenty-first century workplace, streamline office processes and eliminate waste to improve efficiency and productivity   There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. PETER F. DRUCKER. Lean manufacturing has been there for quite some time. In manufacturing, Lean is defined as an organized approach to identifying & removing waste (non-value-added activities) in Lean office Transformation via continuous improvement by developing the product only when the consumer wants it (referred to as “pull”) in chasing perfection. Lean Office Lean was originally developed for manufacturing, why stop there? Many lean methods used in lean production straightly apply to the office environment. Lean office aims to “streamline & remove waste from administrative processes and adding value.” The office gets information, operates on it & modifies it into another form of information; this is no different from any other form of manufactu...