5 Lean Principles Features And Benefits For Business
5 Lean Principles Features And Benefits For Business Eliminating waste and adding value to processes are the goals of the five lean principles and ideas. Lean Concept Lean Concept is an organized approach that identifies & eliminates all types of waste that don’t add any value to the process. The primary concept of Lean principles is to boost customer value while reducing waste. A huge benefit of lean is that you will deliver the perfect value to your customers but with less work, through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste. An organization with lean transformation understands customer value as well as concentrates its key processes to consistently increase it. So, Lean is about working efficiently, not swiftly. Lean is the concept of efficient manufacturing/operations that pop out of the Toyota Production System in the center of the 20th century. But Lean techniques applies not only in production or manufacturing operations, but also in the servi...